Letters from Armorica: Impasse (16 February 1016)

Armand's First Letter. Amelia's First Letter. Dear Journal, My war-wagons have gone into battle for the first time, with mixed results; and I am not at all sure what to recommend for future engagements. The loss of the Resolute showed us that as few as six well-handled war-wagons were capable of destroying a 72-gun frigate, … Continue reading Letters from Armorica: Impasse (16 February 1016)

Letters from Armorica: Besieged (9 February 1016)

Armand's First Letter. Amelia's First Letter. 1 Rue St. Albert, Toulouse, Provençe 9 February 1016 My dearest cousin Armand, I have determined that I shall continue to write you, trusting to providence and His Majesty's forces that all will be brought to rights here in Toulouse, and that I shall be able to send them … Continue reading Letters from Armorica: Besieged (9 February 1016)

Letters from Armorica: Resolute (9 February 1016)

Armand's First Letter. Amelia's First Letter. Dear Journal, Dire news yesterday: His Majesty's frigate Resolute, 72, was destroyed while on blockade on one of the Abyssal approaches to Provençe. I was officially so informed by the Admiralty's Third Sky Lord, who had summoned me to Yorke; but unofficially the news had reached even to Camp … Continue reading Letters from Armorica: Resolute (9 February 1016)